HEIGHT: 6'4" (614) 257-1128 (HOME)
WEIGHT: 225 (614) 306-1425 (CELL)
HAIR: Brown dkwelsh@columbus.rr.com
EYES: Brown dan@danwelsh.info
VOICE: Baritone  


Cosmetic Differences Dan Mr Punch Films
Soulripperz Judge Turner Cinema Lexzicon
Avarice In Wonderland Alpha Fade to Blue Entertainment
Room 13 U.S. President Cinema Lexzicon
Safe House Bill Williams Red Key Productions
Fiddler on the Roof Avram Gallery Players
A Light in the Forest Cuyloga Coshocton Performing Arts
Half Full Of It - Toronto One-Man Show Punch Theatre Company
Two Gentlemen of Verona Duke of Milan Actors' Theatre of Columbus
These Fragments Arthur BlueForms Theatre Group
Life and Times of Tulsa Lovechild Bob BlueForms Theatre Group
Avarice In Wonderland Alpha Madlab Theatre
Grand Guignol Multiple Madlab Theatre
Half Full Of It One-Man Show Dan Welsh
Too Much Theatre Multiple Madlab Theatre
Death Defying Acts Sam Riggs Red Herring Theatre
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Mr. Bucket Pleasure Guild
Oh, Jackie Multiple Oh, Jackie Productions
Whoop Dee Doo Ensemble Reality Theatre
Scene Study Alan Feinstein Los Angeles
Cold Reading Actorsite Los Angeles
Improv Improv Olympics Los Angeles
Cold Reading Angela Dohrmann Columbus
Acting for Camera CATCO Columbus
Private Study Steven Black Columbus
Meisner Technique Actor's Rehearsal Studio Columbus
Miscellaneous Otterbein College Westerville, OH


Scriptwriting, Movement Awareness, Dance, Songwriting, Musical Instruments, Digital Editing, Weightlifting, Sports, Wine and Cigars